Australia Tourist Guide

Map showing Time Zones for Australia
Map showing Time Zones for Australia

Time Zones Map for Australia

Three time zones for Australia including Tasmania. Refer to the State or Regional Maps for more information - Australia Maps.

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time): This is latest standard of world time zones, replacing GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The time zones are either positive or negative time offsets from the UTC.

AEST is the Coordinated Universal Time plus 10 hours.

ACST is the Coordinated Universal Time plus 9.5 hours.

AWST is the Coordinated Universal Time plus 8 hours.

Note: UTC is now the primary time standard used around the world to regulate clocks and time. Time was originally based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT: not much difference, but UTC is more accurate).


Time Zones on the Map

  • AEST: Australian Eastern Standard Time covers the territory of The Australian Capital Territory (Canberra), and the states of New South Wales (Sydney), Tasmania (Hobart) and Victoria (Melbourne). Excludes Broken Hill, located in the far west of NSW.
  • ACST: Australian Central Standard Time covers the Northern Territory and the state of South Australia, as well as Broken Hill.
  • AWST: Australian Western Standard Time. Covering the state of Western Australia (Perth).

Daylight Savings (Summer Time)

Daylight Savings is used in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales (Sydney), Tasmania (Hobart) and Victoria from first Sunday in October to the first Sunday in April when their time zones are changed to the UTC plus 11 hours.

South Australia and Broken Hill also uses Daylight Savings, putting the clock to UTC plus 10.5 hours.

Note: the Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia do not use Daylight Savings. Reasons put forth by the media at the time mention that it would fade the curtains and upset roosters. It probably has more to do with the fact the states being so large.

Australian Maps showing airports, national highways, interstate railways, national parks, Australia states, timezones, the Australia Capital Territory, NSW and South Australia: Maps of Australia.



Accommodation found in the country includes hotels, oceanside resorts, caravan parks, camping, bed and breakfasts, backpackers and guest houses.

Find hotels and other accommodation, see Australia Hotels.


Main Photo: Map showing Time Zones for Australia

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