Photo: Mull Gull of the Neptune Islands: Photo Greg Snell Tourism Australia.
Previous Kangaroo Island Next Coffin Bay National Park, Eyre Peninsula
Map showing the location of the Neptune Islands between the SA coastal Lincoln National Park and Kangaroo Island: South Australia Map (SE).
They actually consist of two island groups, the South Neptune Islands, and further to the north, the North Neptune Islands. They were isolated from the mainland some 12,000 to 10,000 years ago when the ocean levels rose at the end of the last ice age.
Although the only mammals found on the island are the bush rats (no, not the rock band) there is a variety of birdlife, including Birds of Prey. The islands also had numerous Little Penguins up until the 1930s, this particular colony has become extinct.
There are also seals, including New Zealand fur-seals and Australian sea lions. They are known for being an attractive food source for the Great White Sharks and Bronze Whaler Sharks that migrate here during their season.
The islands are situated between Port Lincoln National Park and Kangaroo Island in South Australia and the only place to see the Great White Shark in its natural habitat in Australia, with shark cages.
More about sharks and shark diving: see Sharks and Shark Diving.
Located just off the coast of South Australia: Kangaroo Island SA.
Parks in South Australia include Coffin Bay National Park, the Gawler Ranges National Park, the Nullarbor National Park and the Great Australian Bight Marine Park. More about the National Parks in SA: South Australia National Parks.
Parks in the Outback of South Australia: Flinders Ranges & The Outback and the The Arkaba Walk - Flinders Ranges and the beautiful wilderness of Witjira National Park, South Australia.
About the National Parks in Australia: Australia National Parks. World Heritage Sites in Australia: World Heritage Sites of Australia.
Find Hotels and other accommodation in South Australia: Hotels in Australia.
Main Photo: Mull Gull of the Neptune Islands: Photo Greg Snell Tourism Australia.
Photo: Great White Shark