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Australia Tourist Guide -> Maps of Europe -> Maps of Europe Places

Europe Map - Click to Zoom
Photo: Europe Map - Click to Zoom

Maps of Europe Places

Map of Europe showing member states of the EU and other European countries. The continent extends East to the Ural Mountains in Russia, North to the upper reaches of Norway, South to Greece, Spain and Portugal and to the West, Iceland. Candidate Europe countries are marked with an asterisk.


  1. Austria Map
  2. Belgium Map
  3. Britain/United Kingdom
  4. Bulgaria
  5. Croatia (Hrvatska)
  6. Czech Republic (Czechia)
  7. Cyprus
  8. Denmark
  9. Estonia
  10. Finland
  11. France
  12. Germany
  13. Greece
  14. Hungary
  15. Iceland*
  16. Ireland
  17. Italy
  18. Latvia
  19. Lithuania
  20. Luxembourg (Luxemburg)
  21. Monaco
  22. Netherlands
  23. Norway
  24. Poland
  25. Portugal
  26. North Macedonia
  27. Romania
  28. Slovakia
  29. Slovenia
  30. Spain
  31. Sweden
  32. Switzerland

European Capital Cities

  1. Athens
  2. Berlin
  3. Bern
  4. Bratislava
  5. Brussels
  6. Bucharest
  7. Budapest
  8. Copenhagen
  9. Den Haag (The Hague)
  10. Dublin
  11. Helsinki
  12. Istanbul
  13. Lisbon
  14. Ljubljana
  15. London
  16. Luxembourg
  17. Madrid
  18. Monaco
  19. Nicosia
  20. Oslo
  21. Podgorica
  22. Paris
  23. Prague
  24. Reykjavik
  25. Riga
  26. Rome
  27. Skopje
  28. Sofia
  29. Stockholm
  30. Tallinn
  31. Vienna
  32. Vilnius
  33. Warsaw
  34. Zagreb

Note: EU Candidate Countries. There are seven current EU candidate countries, including Albania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine. Zoom the Europe Map by clicking on it.

Europe EU countries using the Euro Dollar €: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.

Europe EU countries not using the Euro Dollar: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Europe Hotels

There are luxury hotels and resorts as well as backpackers and every kind of place to stay in between.


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